Panic like mountain heights
Goes on rising higher
As we reach the peak
Leading us into tough fights
Filling us with a fire
So that we do not feel meek
The after effects are very like a fall
As aloud we call
Our victory to announce
And walk with a flounce
Our blood stops boiling
As we end our toiling
Glance to the skies
To see it as the bird flies
That we had forgotten existed
When we had our wisdom resisted
Poems are the thoughts of the poet interpreted by the reader as per his own understanding. ( if you do not see any thing or get the message this page does not exist ....then please click on the 'HOME' below this and my blog will voila...appear. :) enjoy)
31 December 2009
Hobbies are the desires of our heart
That help make us smart
And pass our time with joy
Without using any ploy
It opens our minds
And helps us find
The colours of the rainbow
When we are feeling low
It enhances our personality
With the stamp of exclusivity
Giving us a topic to converse
Without anyone being averse
Bring in some cash too
From the world we call a zoo.
Filial Ties

Ties of blood
Ties of friendship

Ties of belonging
Some bad some good
Some constricting
Some empowering
Its true ties bind
Without them we would find
That we live in solitude
Without much fortitude
Whiling our life
Without much strife
Pining for the same ties
Before each one dies.
29 December 2009
Words or Sound
Sound / tone changes the words we hear
To mild,harsh, rude or angry
Making our audience love or fear
As the brain & ears decipher
Leaving them in a quandry

Harsh ones are a virtual slap
Why then don't we use softness
And give each other communication claps?
28 December 2009
Generation Gap

Parent to child & child to parent

Forward or backward
Each wanting to go onward
Not realising each is but a reflection of the other
Each has a uniqueness of his own
With a common thread
The truth that seems hard to grasp
Is my dear that
No one is too old or too young
To learn from the other
20 December 2009
Danger Zone
"Danger Zone " to my daughter was where her father was relaxing
To my grand daughter is where her father is working at home
To our country men is the border of our country
To the blind its the oncoming fast traffic

Is the danger really there or are we making
A mountain of a molehill
Seeing it in whatever makes us uncomfortable?
If there is can we overcome it?
If not can we resolve it?

For is a sense of fear what we want to leave as our legacy?
19 December 2009
Sanguine,Choleric,Phlegmatic & Melancholy
Are the broad categories of human personalities

Sanguine loves to have fun all the time
The life of the party
Choleric loves to be the boss & have the last say
Its my way or the highway
Phlegmatics love their peace & will avoid confrontations
Letting everything slide as long as they get peace
Melancholics look to the detail or are perfectionists
Are very organised & love things to be in their proper place
The great thing is - all of us being different is what makes it interesting
We all have strengths & weaknesses for which we need each other
If we got married to someone like us we would have the same strengths & weakness
And be left feeling incomplete & wanting.
What are you? & what is your partner?
Have fun learning & live a full & fruitful life.
18 December 2009

How to build it,maintain it,nurture it,make it last
In this we forget about friendship in relationships
And how they help us to hold on fast
Are relationships really so complicated?
Or do we live in a world dilapidated?
Where all we see are people inundated
With rigid views & ideologies consolidated.
We love to crib,to cry & grumble

We forget that Time & Tide wait for no man's foibles
Relationships are our water holes
Granted by the Lord to make our life-journey
Full of sugar & spice & all that's nice
Before we reach our goal.
Whats here now is gone tomorrow my friend
Its time we enjoyed today with its vagaries
And let tomorrow take care of its mysteries

He’d shaved it off on a dare.
His wife threw a fit
And said, "This is it!
Grow it back, or I’ll have an affair!”
He thought he looked "cool"

he called her bluff
And wore a hairy muff
But girls are more smarter
she fooled him with flatter
And pulled on his pate
Revealing her brains to her mate
17 December 2009
In Sickness & in Health
"In Sickness & in Health",we say
Thru rose tinted glasses
When we sway
How soon then do we forget
Like politicians who don't regret
Raising our hope
Filling us with dope
To get what they want without fret
Are we any less self centered than them?
Don't we too forget like them?
We give a lot of hope to help our partner sway
when we too want our way
With the first brickbat & stumble
We run so fast that we tumble
We fall, we hit,we hurt
Ourselves & others as we blurt
Shouldn't we wait for the shadow to pass
Or give it a push asif it was a useless mass
For hadn't we promised to love & support
Till we from life deport?
14 December 2009

Some would say – that which is not Abnormal
O.K then what is Abnormal?
Thus we go round & round in circles,
But no one can give a straight answer
For each of us is normal & abnormal
For each of us is normal & abnormal
To prove to ourselves that the others are abnormal
But We oh! no We are Normal
Becoz everyone is besotted with himself in some form or the other
Their looks, principles, ideas, thoughts, ideologies, desires whatever…..
Not unlike:
Narcissus, in Greek mythology, a hero renowned for his beauty. In the various stories he is exceptionally cruel, in that he disdains those who love him. As divine punishment he falls in love with a reflection in a pool, not realizing it was his own, and perishes there, not being able to leave the beauty of his own reflection.
The delicate narcissus flower too seems to look at itself & hence its name.
Don’t we too disdain the opinions of others, their ideas, thoughts, and emotions?
The delicate narcissus flower too seems to look at itself & hence its name.

Thinking ours are the best
Do we want to end up perishing like Narcissus—because all we can see is only our needs, wants, desires?
Forgetting that others too are equally human like us & can be right too
Forgetting that others too are equally human like us & can be right too
Is there no way mankind can come to realize this simple truth before it makes itself extinct?
12 December 2009
God sent or Man-made natural disasters

I’ve heard a lot about how each thing
Hurtful, bad, harmful, painful—are sent by the Lord
As punishments for man’s actions
Are they? Really?
If man cuts down trees
And the climate becomes unbearably hot
And the climate becomes unbearably hot
Is that done by God?
If factories spew out chemicals
And deplete the ozone layer
Is that done by God?
If unhygienic living
Brings the Plague or epidemics
Is that done by God?
If depletion of forests
Destroying arable land to built high rises
Killing uncountable beings
If manufacturing nuclear play toys for each country
To present themselves as super powers
Brings death and destruction
Is that done by God?
You tell me if a God who
“He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities:
And with his stripes we are healed.”
Would send
Hurtful, bad, harmful, painful occurrences

I met a girl named Kim
Who was oh so very slim
And was in a bad mood,
Cause she had to go to the gym.
When Bill went to Spain,
He saw a lot of rain
He was very cold
Because he was old
We think he went insane.
Who was as tough as a brick,
Once he fell down
And had to wear a gown
That’s when he became very sick.
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