“Smiling is infectious; you can catch it like the flu. Someone smiled at me today, and I started smiling too.If you would like to spoil the day for a grouch, give him a smile...”
A smile:-
1. Is a curve that sets everything straight.
2. Is an inexpensive way to change your looks.
3. Is a powerful weapon; you can even break ice with it.
4. Is a language that even a baby understands.
5. Of encouragement at the right moment may act like sunlight on a closed-up
flower; it may be the turning point for a struggling life.
6. Slowly lights up your face and spreads its magic in your twinkling eyes
7. Takes seventeen muscles to smile and forty-three to frown.
Have we forgotten to smile as often as we used to do earlier? Do we genuinely smile nowadays? All of us seem to carry a scowl on our face rather than a smile. When was the last time you had a hearty laugh?
Ask yourself this question and you will be surprised at the answers.
We have forgotten the benefits of a good smile, keeping instead a stern look on our face in order to look more in control and present a professional face to the world.
Look at the mirror when you smile and your will see your eyes lit up. We have forgotten to smile at our loved ones, our neighbors, friends, colleagues and strangers. Smile is an infectious emotion and when you see a smiling face around your natural instinct is to smile back.
The world would be a much better place if we can spread the smile,so how does one start spreading this unique and loving message across the world?
Let us start with ourselves. As soon as you wake up look at the mirror and give yourself a warm and happy smile and then the spread it around with your loved ones, your neighbors and colleagues. Once you have mastered to do it daily try to spread it among strangers. Try smiling at people who you see daily at your work or while travelling.
You will be surprised at the magic of your smile. People who had never acknowledged your presence will suddenly turn friendly. Slowly a chain reaction will start where everyone you meet greets you with a smile and the scowl is totally forgotten.
On an average we could smile at 10-20 people every day. These 10-20 people could meet a further 100-200 and this chain of smile will continue unbroken.
Wow!!! Why wait for someone to do this, lets begin asap & give & receive joy—free of cost.
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