I do not seek the grandiose, wealth nor glare of fame.
& when I'm gone, the odds are great, that few will know my name.
Though greatness I will not attain, I'll do the best I can
With just the skills that God gave me, for I'm a simple woman.
I'm thankful for the mixture both, of happiness and pain,
Which lets me best appreciate, such goals that I attain.
I'm thankful for important things, that rate high in my life.
I'm thankful for my children, a loving, faithful husband and a stress-free life.
I thank God for the power of love, that makes the whole of our beings,
Eliminates the blight of hate--a threat to healthy souls.
I'm thankful that I still can hear, the songbird's throaty trill.
& colour change in autumn's leaves, each year gives me a thrill.
So I give thanks each day to God, for blessings from His hand.
I'm part of God's great Master Plan, even I, a simple woman.
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