At times when the kids want to move on in life the very same apron strings seem more like a hangman's noose, as parents are unwilling to loosen their hold on the kids especially their sons--who are their "kuldeepak" or a means to carry on the family name.
At such times the son becomes a soft target to be emotionally blackmailed,to continue to stay with his parents, who are unwilling, due to insecurity or unwillingness to give up and let go of their authority on his life.
The son can clearly demarcate each loved ones hold on his time and life area,if he is wise enough.
I have witnessed such a situation from close quarters & can say in all honesty that this is a dismal and suffocating life for all involved.

for as the saying goes "To test love--you should let it go--if they love you-- they will come back" & i'm sure with a lot more intensity than before.
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