What is our Heritage?
Heir looms? books? property?
If we are materialistic,all the above is what we would reply
If philosophical,then values,culture,nature
Would be our answer
If realistic or logical we would say
Our Heritage is the ability to live & let live
Each time we get a variety of answers
The problem starts when each one of us thinks himself correct & the other wrong
Each forgets one vital fact
All the above answers would only make sense if Humanity & Humans survived
So for me our Heritage is Humanity
What do you say?
Heir looms? books? property?
If we are materialistic,all the above is what we would reply
If philosophical,then values,culture,nature
Would be our answer
If realistic or logical we would say
Our Heritage is the ability to live & let live

The problem starts when each one of us thinks himself correct & the other wrong
Each forgets one vital fact
All the above answers would only make sense if Humanity & Humans survived
So for me our Heritage is Humanity
What do you say?
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