He teaches you unflagging love
He teaches you to sleep peacefully even in high commotion
He teaches you to smile even as you fall
He teaches you to savour even the most tastless dishes
He teaches you the benefit of erratic movements
He teaches you to share with love
He teaches you to give unstintingly
He teaches you to absorb & learn at every step
He teaches you to look good in any clothes,even diapers
He teaches you to make your demands known
He teaches you to vent your protests
He teaches you not to hold any grudges
He teaches you to enjoy each moment.
All this without speaking a word
Who is this great teacher you ask
He is your very own little tike
Your little God sent gift & blessing
We as adults have forgotten the real values and joys in simple things which he/she can teach us,all we need to do is keep our hearts and mind open like them.
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