13 August 2010

Ban that negativity!----eye opener article in the Times

Those with whom we assemble,we soon resemble! 
Remember this simple saying when it comes to having negative people in your life.

Don’t let toxic people affect your well-being 

The company you keep is very important, especially for your well-being. Several times, we get stuck with people who bring us down with their negativity, unnecessary nagging, constant whining and pessimistic nature. And before you know it, this negativity starts getting to you, making you irritable, impatient and cranky. Make sure you first realise if they are that way just with you or everyone around them before doing something about it. Keep an eye out for these types... 

People who live in the past: Some people refuse to let go of the past. While it is okay to look back on memories, some people tend to keep bringing up painful events. They thrive on the anger and bitterness associated with those events and bring you down. 
Solution: Excuse yourself when they bring up the subject or tell them that you don’t wish to talk about it anymore. 

Ones who wallow in self pity: There is nothing more exasperating than people who feel that the world’s burden is on their shoulders. Instead of finding solutions to their problems, these people keep wallowing in self pity because they choose not to see another way out. 
Solution: Offer help and if they still don’t want to change, stay away. 

Hypocrites: There can be nothing more putting off than people who say something and do something else. Some friends can be sickly sweet on someone’s face and gossip about them the minute they turn their back. 
Solution: If you find this happening repeatedly, watch your back. If they could do it to others, they could do the same to you. 

Cribbers: Whiners and cribbers like to go on incessantly about everything negative in their lives. 
Solution: Help them see the positive side of things and if they don’t, don’t let their negativity affect you at all. 

Mud slingers: These malevolent souls like to make themselves feel better by pulling others down. They enjoy criticising and judging you even though you consider them as friends. They also tend to blame you without reason for what happens in their life. 
Solution: Such people behave in this manner because they are insecure. Be patient with them but if they don’t change, it’s time to bid adieu. 

Wash dirty linen in public: Some individuals like to inform the whole world about their scandals and fights and involve as many people as possible in their macabre debates. While it is one thing to hear them, it can get rather ugly if they start affecting you. 
Solution: Stay away! 

Over analysers: They are frustrated with their lives and want to vent it out on the people around them. They presume and jump to irrational conclusions. 
Solution: If someone you know is making a big deal out of everything, tell them that it bothers you. 

Interfering people: These busybodies like to keep a thorough tab on what’s going on in everybody’s lives except their own. They butt in when they aren’t needed and can even cause fights between people. 
Solution: Be wary around such people and careful about what you say in front of them. 

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