08 December 2009

Common Sense - Not So Common

 Oh to be in India, a land of great diversity and yet with a unique unity of its own kind. The great mountains with their snow caps sweeping down to the stark sandy deserts interspersed with tiny gurgling rivulets, passing thru peaceful valleys showing every shade of green and rainbow color ever visualized.
The local costumes can put the greatest designers to shame, the plains filled with the perennial vibrancy of a thriving life. All this surrounded on three sides with different hued oceans, green, blue or a spectacular mixture.
Sounds and songs that could teach the rhythms of nature. People so hospitable that every home feels like your own. Today this beloved land of the Gods is racing ahead of every nation.

Once upon a time there lived in this land a great king who had the best and most intelligent men of those times in his court. Now it so happened that a sculptor brought 3 identical statues to his court and challenged the king to point out the best one. He asked for half the kingdom as a reward if it could not be done.

The king asked his courtiers to have a look and pick out the best. Many came and inspected each one from top to toe, however none could pick out one as the best – for each statue looked identical to a “T” to the other.
A day passed –then two, still everyone drew a blank. Seeing the king’s consternation a man, well known for his ready wit, came forward. He looked at each statue and realized that 2 of them had 2 holes each and the third one had only 1 hole, he declared that not only was the third the best but that he would also make the best courtier and friend to the king, if he were alive.
The king’s court was eager to know the reasoning for this conclusion. On being questioned he gave his reply as:

1. The first had 2 holes, 1 in the left ear and the other in the right ear. He passed a wire thru the 2 holes and said that this type of person was either a dumb or a lazy person who would not be able to understand anything/ or would not be interested in the least as to what was being said, it would be a case of “water over a duck’s back”/ “in thru one ear and out thru the other” with nothing and no brains in between.

2. The 2nd statue too had 2 holes, one like the first in the right ear but the 2nd in the mouth. He again passed a wire thru them and said that this person would not only be a bad friend but a potentially dangerous courtier, if he were alive. He would be a blabber mouth and a person who would give out secrets without thinking of the consequences. A case of “yakity yak” or “all air but no substance”.

3. The 3rd he pointed had only 1 hole in the ear, when he tried to pass a wire thru, it went in but did not come out anywhere. He declared this type of person would be a true friend who would listen and keep all that he knew to himself like a good courtier should. He also said that it was also the way to gain knowledge -  listen, think, absorb. This was the best statue among the 3 for those reasons.
The sculptor was taken aback at this person’s intelligence and foresight and admitted that he was correct. A little observation and application of common sense never goes waste. What say?

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