27 January 2010

Being Judgemental vs Forgiving

We are so eager & quick to think & assume a negative in attitude,manner,character,intention etc.. in others:

1) She did not return my call--just has no manners
2) He did not comment on my cooking--he does not like me
3) She did not ask me about my day--she does not love me
4) Why should i talk to her first? she was the one to begin the fight
5)  I won't say sorry first,he should say it  etc.. etc...

We not only assume but we think up imaginary rebuffs or even small actual ones & hold it in our hearts for ages--making us unhappy & changing our attitudes making the opposite party sad too.

At times even actual fights or harsh conversations are remembered & aired out during fights or conversations later,increasing the rift & widening the breach.

We have all heard the following sayings:
1)People living in glass houses should not throw stones
2)Matthew 7:1--“Stop judging that YOU may not be judged;
                  7:2-- for with what judgment YOU are judging, YOU will be judged
3)A bad workman blames his tools.
4)As you sow, so shall you reap
5)We cannot see our own back
  6)Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone
  7)Stop judging others & you will not be judged--no one likes to be judged & who  
      are we to judge???
Many more such as the above have been repeatedly used since centuries
Though we realise the truth of it we think it is meant for others never ourselves

We are unhappy throughout our lives as we entangle ourselves in these and other hurts to such an extent that we always remember them & thus we give them a renewed opportunity to hurt us again.
The way out is simple but very very difficult,for it involves--forgiveness.
Forgiveness is not forgetting an injustice done; it is the understanding that allows us to set aside the emotional impact of that injustice pertaining to ourselves.when we no longer hold these emotions,and have understanding for that person, we have forgiven them.

Forgiving others is a gift you give yourself.It is the key to happiness.Forgiveness is a funny thing it warms the heart & cools the sting.The weak can never forgive.It is the attribute of the strong
Always forgive your enemies.Nothing annoys them more :):)
An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind.
At the end of it all--It's your life. You may choose to live it any way that you want...
REMEMBER & KEEP ON HURTING YOURSELF OR FORGIVE( others as well as yourselves & your parents) & LIVE IN PEACE & HAPPINESS.


  1. You express things so beautifully. Many time I think the same but can never verbalize it.
    I suppose to forgiveness leads to acceptance and that leads to peace of mind.


  2. thanks,it gives me encouragement to keep writing when i get such a reply.
